This year has been an ugly one for gold bulls, but this article answers 5 major questions about gold and provides reasons to stay positive about the future of gold.
Read More »Is Gold Still Good to Go?
Is gold still good? For many investors, the answer is a resounding "No!" but that doesn't answer the question: Is gold still good?
Read More »Commentary on QE3 Exclaims: "We Have Been Warned!"
QE3 looks like a desperate act to feed money to large banks, offload MBS toxic waste from their balance sheets, devalue the dollar against houses, commodities, and other currencies and create significant collateral damage in the form of consumer price inflation according to a number of respected economists and critical thinkers on the subject of QE3. [Let's take a look at what they have to say.] Words: 1661
Read More »Runaway Inflation That Would Devastate USD Seems Unlikely – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Many investors are treating inflation as a certainty because the Fed has expanded its balance sheet to unheard of levels through its quantitative easing strategy. Some have even gone so far as to say that this program will utterly destroy the U.S. currency. To demystify this conclusion, I’m going to explain quantitative easing and why the Fed is using this monetary strategy. Afterward, I’ll explain why gold is still positioned to rise even if inflation continues to be low. Words: 786
Read More »Gold’s Long-term Bull Market Is Intact With Prices Expected to Surge – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Gold prices have been trending higher in the last twelve years and might continue to do so over the next decade. This article is in defense of current gold prices from a money creation perspective. Further, this article completely rules out a bubble in gold. Hence, the expectation is that the long-term bull market for gold is intact and gold will surge higher over the next decade. Words: 914
Read More »Is Now the Time to Acquire Gold – Or Run Away From It?
Is this the time to acquire gold? Or is this the time to run away from it? Either answer could be correct, depending upon what course government chooses. Government is at a decision point, one that will determine how our economic malaise next turns. [Let's review their choices.] Words: 922
Read More »The Bull Market In Equities is NOT Over! Here's Why
In spite of all the bearishness out there - the S&P 500 falling to 1,000 (David Tice),the market is overbought (John Hussman), its looking like the bear market of 2011 all over again (David Rosenberg), for example - I tend to disagree for 4 fundamental reasons. Let me explain. Words: 595
Read More »U.S. Financial Problems Have Horrendous Implications for Markets and Systemic Stability – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Systemic-solvency and liquidity issues continue to plague the Fed and to restrain U.S. economic activity. Bank lending remains impaired, household income has taken a new hit, annual and monthly growth in the broad money supply appears to be stalling, again and U6 unemployment levels are at staggering levels. These ongoing financial problems have horrendous implications for the markets and systemic stability. [Let me explain.]
Read More »US "Recovery" Needs More Fiat Money Steroids to Continue! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
This time is far worse than any other modern recession. What we are seeing now is a depression, despite what the NBER would have you believe. If you are still looking for the “Big One” to happen, you are too late. It happened here and it is still happening here and in Europe. They, like us, have tried to paper over most of the effects of the boom-bust business cycle malinvestment, and they have failed and the piper is at their door [as it is here in the U.S.]. The current economic “good news”, this supposed "recovery", is largely based on fiat money steroids and will not last without continuous injections of new fiat money into the economy. [Let me explain.] Words: 2300
Read More »Gold & Silver: THE Answers to Escalating Financial Doom
Every fiat currency known to man has failed at one time or another - every one - and ours will be no exception! What factors are contributing to this eventuality and what can be done to protect ourselves from this impending event? [Let me explain and provide you with links to 37 supportive articles to give you a complete picture of what is unfolding and why.] Words: 2700
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