Monday , 20 January 2025

Tag Archives: outsourcing

There is NOTHING Wrong With Outsourcing or Free Trade. Here's Why

Outsourcing is a good thing, despite our two presidential opponents excoriating each other over it.... Trade xenophobia is a political tool to divert blame from where it belongs - government - [and]...politicians who talk about “fair” trade are just trying to justify more protectionism...[which] always make people poorer rather than MORE prosperous. [Let me explain.] Words: 430

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Some Harsh Views As to Why the U.S. is Supposedly a “Failed State”

Americans have no idea that their civil liberties have been forfeited. They are only gradually learning that their economic future is compromised. They have little idea of the world’s growing hatred of Americans for their destruction of other peoples. In short, Americans are full of themselves. They have no idea of the disasters that their ignorance and inhumanity have brought upon themselves and upon the world. Words: 996

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