When people talk about getting their personal finances in order, they usually try to find relatively pain-free and low-cost ways to reduce debt and increase savings but this is a long-term approach which some people just cannot "afford". For them it may be worthwhile to consider taking the hard way out of debt. Let me explain.
Read More »In Debt? Kick it to the Curb, Get Rich, and Start Living Life to the Fullest! Here’s How (+5K Views)
If you’re among those struggling with debt and just want to be rid of it and move on with your life, it can be helpful to find some information and inspiration from others who are financial experts or people working to pay off substantial amounts of debt. You’ll find all of that, and more, in these inspirational personal finance blogs that can offer you advice, motivation, and guidance in paying down your debts so you can start putting that money to other uses. Words: 1010
Read More »These Key Traits Could Make You “Filthy” Rich (+4K Views)
Understanding how personal traits can influence your finances is an essential ingredient for building wealth. Do you have the 10 key traits to become rich let alone very, very rich?
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