Thursday , 6 February 2025

Tag Archives: Peter Schiff

A Massive Stock Market Crash Is Coming! (+2K Views)

In the financial world, the month of October is synonymous with stock market crashes. So will a massive stock market crash happen this year? You never know. Hopefully we'll get through October (and the rest of this year) but, without a doubt, one is coming at some point. The truth of the matter is that our financial system is even more vulnerable than it was back in 2008 and, as such, many financial experts are warning that the next crash is rapidly approaching and that those on the wrong end of the coming crash are going to be absolutely wiped out. Let’s take a look at some of the financial experts that are predicting really bad things for our financial markets in the months ahead. Words: 1634

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Roubini, Schiff, Rosenberg and Whitney Agree: Another Recession Is At Hand! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

Michael Spence, professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and winner of the 2001 Nobel Prize in economics, believes there's "probably a 50%" chance of the global economy slipping into recession. Nouriel Roubini disagrees and says flatly that a recession is coming and that it is a mission impossible now to stop it. The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank places the odds at 85% of a recession. David Rosenberg, another very savvy economist, says that by 2012, the chance of a second recession is 99%. Peter Schiff, who with Roubini, correctly and accurately predicted the collapse on Wall Street and ensuing recession, thinks one is 100% certain. [Let's take a look at why they hold such views.] Words: 829

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America's Future: Growing Deficit, Shrinking Economy, Imploding Dollar and Exploding Inflation

The new [debt ceiling deal] legislation will add $2.4 trillion to the $14.3 trillion national debt in a little over a year - and we don’t even start saving money until after the debt reaches $16.7 trillion! This bill doesn’t even cut the deficit. It just slows the growth of government spending to around 8% a year! So, even if Congress cuts $2.1 trillion out of the budget over the next 10 years, we will still be running annual deficits of more than $1 trillion...[That means that in addition to a deficit that will continue to grow we can look forward to a shrinking economy, an imploding U.S. dollar and exploding inflation. Some future! Let me explain.] Words: 827

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Silver’s Historical Correlation with Gold Suggests A Parabolic Top As High As $714 per Ounce! (+6K Views)

Almost 80 respected economists, academics, gold analysts and market commentators (see list below) are of the firm opinion that gold is going to go to at least $2,500 if not as high as $10,000 per ounce (or more) before the parabolic top is reached. As such, just imagine what is in store for silver given its historical price relationship with gold. We’re looking at an extreme case scenario of a future parabolic top of perhaps as much as $714 per ounce for silver, the ‘poor man’s gold’. Words: 1694

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