Friday , 24 January 2025

Tag Archives: price inflation

Asset Inflation: We Should Begin To Worry

We are not yet hoarding toilet paper and baked beans, but the prospect that we will be driven to do so has already been signalled to us. This article draws on the evidence of extreme overvaluations in equities and bonds worldwide, and concludes the explanation lies increasingly in a greater perception of risk against holding cash, or bank deposits.

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Noonan: “Where’s the Beef?” We See None in the Charts for Gold & Silver (+2K Views)

...Fiats have an unbroken track record of failing throughout all of history. Gold also has an unbroken track record of being a store of value for over 5,000 years. Yes, there have been hiccups along the way, and we are in one now. It is what it is, but what it is is also an incredible buying opportunity at “fire sale” prices....[That being said,] a look at the charts of the paper-tracked PM market [beg the question] ... “Where’s the beef?” Where is the substance of anything? We see none in the charts. Take a look. Words: 610; Charts :4

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What is Financial Repression? Why It Will Fail (+3K Views)

Financial repression occurs when governments channel funds into their own sovereign bonds in order to reduce debt levels through mechanisms such as directed lending, caps on interest rates, capital controls, debt monetization, or by other means. The promise of financial repression is that it will hold down government borrowing costs and reduce government debt levels, but critics argue that financial repression merely targets the producers of society, i.e., the middle class, and therefore harms the economy. Let's take a look at financial repression ands its supposed pros and cons. Words: 1486

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Take Note: Don’t Say You Weren’t Forewarned! (+3K Views)

It is relatively easy to predict further commodity price inflation as a result of the massive money printing going on worldwide and that hard assets, not paper assets, will help protect purchasing power but it is much more difficult to project where else this money printing leads and to what extent a crash is inevitable. What is the endgame? Will it be another financial crash such as in 2008 or will it be a more destructive financial and economic crash that causes a severe but temporary disruption in the delivery of goods and services? Words: 1470

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U.S Likely to Hit the Financial Wall by 2017! Here’s Why (+4K Views)

The deficits aren't going to stop anytime soon. The debt mountain will keep growing...Obviously, the debt can't keep growing faster than the economy forever, but the people in charge do seem determined to find out just how far they can push things....The only way for the politicians to buy time will be through price inflation, to reduce the real burden of the debt, and whether they admit it or not, inflation is what they will be praying for....[and] the Federal Reserve will hear their prayer. When will the economy reach the wall toward which it is headed? Not soon, I believe, but in the meantime there will be plenty of excitement. [Let me explain what I expect to unfold.] Words: 1833

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Major Price Inflation Is Coming – It’s Just a Matter of Time! Here’s Why (+5K Views)

The developed economies of the world have opened the money spigots...[and this] massive money and credit creation is sitting in the banking system like dry tinder just waiting for a spark to set it ablaze. How quickly it happens is anyone’s guess, but once it does we are likely to be enveloped in a worldwide inflation unlike anything before ever witnessed. [Let me explain further.] Words: 625

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US "Recovery" Needs More Fiat Money Steroids to Continue! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

This time is far worse than any other modern recession. What we are seeing now is a depression, despite what the NBER would have you believe. If you are still looking for the “Big One” to happen, you are too late. It happened here and it is still happening here and in Europe. They, like us, have tried to paper over most of the effects of the boom-bust business cycle malinvestment, and they have failed and the piper is at their door [as it is here in the U.S.]. The current economic “good news”, this supposed "recovery", is largely based on fiat money steroids and will not last without continuous injections of new fiat money into the economy. [Let me explain.] Words: 2300

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Price of Gold Will Explode Upward If – and When – We See…. (+2K Views)

For the past decade gold has been "catching up" to the amount of money (M2 and M3) in the system to make up for understatement of the gold price due to U.S. price fixing on its way to an inflation-adjusted value of approx. $2,300 - and that is just the beginning. If, and when, we see a release into the market of the trillions of U.S. dollars being stored on balance sheets of banks, companies, and other countries around the world then the price of gold should explode upward. Let me explain why that would be the case. Words: 850

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