Tuesday , 14 January 2025

Tag Archives: Producer Price Index

Slip Sliding Away: Signs Point to Ongoing Economic Decline in U.S.

Most economists see the latest Q1 GDP stumble as a blip, something we shouldn't worry about because the economy is still on track for recovery...[but] another way to look at it is that the economy is being harmed by monetary inflation and we are seeing massive distortions in the economy as a result of this intentional Fed policy - economic growth is stalling and industrial production, manufacturing, non-manufacturing, durable goods production, retail sales and employment is flattening-to-declining... I think this is the correct way of looking at things and, [as such,] Q1 is not a temporary blip on the road to recovery... [but another mile down the road to economic stagflation, price inflation, lower real estate prices, continuing high unemployment, a weaker dollar, higher taxes and more - much more! Let me explain.] Words: 2997

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