If you are holding U.S. dollars in a savings account, CD or money-market fund, you are slowly losing what you have saved or inherited and within a few short years you could lose the bulk of what is remaining. It is being done in such a way that most people don't notice. The hidden tax of inflation has been robbing you for quite some time and the pace and severity of this theft is increasing rapidly. If I sound alarmist, it is with intention.
Read More »Shift From U.S. Dollar As World Reserve Currency Underway (+93K Views)
Today, more than 60% of all foreign currency reserves in the world are in U.S. dollars - but there are big changes on the horizon...Some of the biggest economies on earth have been making agreements with each other to move away from using the U.S. dollar in international trade...[and this shift] is going to have massive implications for the U.S. economy. [Let me explain what is underway.] Words: 1583
Read More »Massive Debt = Dollar Collapse = High Inflation = Likely Depression (+4K Views)
The value of a currency is determined by a number of variables. In this article, I will focus on the dynamics of demand, supply, current account deficits, and aggregate government debt.
Read More »The U.S. Should Relinquish Reserve Status for its Dollar – Here’s Why (+7K Views)
Conspiracy theory notwithstanding, claims that the reserve status of the U.S. dollar unfairly benefits the U.S. are no longer true. On the contrary, it has become a burden, both for America and the world. [Let me explain.] Words: 825
Read More »The History of Money – From Gold & Silver to Fiat Currencies (+4K Views)
Today’s monetary system, combined with fractional reserve banking, has a lot of risks. It is vulnerable to bank runs, inflation, and economic bubbles, to name just a few, yet those risks remain invisible to the majority of people. This article provides links to a video and an extended report that provide insights into the question as to why today's paper based money system is doomed to fail and how you can protect against such a collapse.
Read More »Concern About U.S. Dollar’s Status As the World’s Reserve Currency Status Is Overstated – Here’s Why (6K Views)
The U.S. Dollar's status as a reserve currency seems to be a perennial concern for many people these days. I think this concern is often dramatically overstated. Here's why.
Read More »What the History of “World” Currency Likely Means for the U.S. Dollar – and Why (+5K Views)
It’s common for the world’s most powerful country to issue a currency that becomes adopted around the world as the standard for international trade but whenever that country reaches a point of epic, terminal decline, and especially when it rapidly debases its currency, the rest of the world seeks an alternative. This article outlines the history of the rise & fall of "world" currencies over the centuries and then comments on what the future likely holds for today's "world" currency - the U.S. dollar.
Read More »What the Progression of Inflation Means For the Price of Gold (+3K Views)
Inflationary periods are highly unjust. They undermine the ethics of hard work and thrift. They destroy solidarity, lead to widespread hardship and often to social unrest. Gold, in contrast, has been the best hedge as investors seek to protect themselves against the large purchasing power losses of inflated currencies.
Read More »The Breakdown of the Monetary System Will Be Chaotic – Got Gold? (3K Views)
We have entered the endgame for the dollar as the dominant reserve currency and most investors and policy makers are unaware of the implications - but those who are will have positioned themselves in the one asset most likely to be left standing when the dust settles - gold.
Read More »Gold Standard Should Replace “Exorbitant Privilege” of USD Reserve Currency Status – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
The least imperfect monetary system by which civilized nations can conduct their business is the classical gold standard - a system in which every major nation defines its currency as a weight unit of gold. [Let me explain.] Words: 890
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