The petroyuan has launched. Let's investigate its success or lack thereof, primarily the latter.
Read More »China & Russia Orchestrating the End Of the U.S. Dollar (+3K Views)
It is only a matter of time before the dollar will lose its status as reserve currency. Before this happens, the dollar will start crumbling and eventually disappear into a black hole resulting in an implosion of all the dollar assets and debts.
Read More »4 Reasons Gold & Silver Are REAL Money (2K Views)
'Real money' must be a 'store of value, 'precious' or scarce, uniform and be evenly divisible which fiat money is NOT and gold and silver IS.
Read More »Demise of U.S. Dollar Quickening Due To These Events (+5K Views)
The Great Quickening has commenced in an alarming fashion. In just the last 3 weeks, 10 significant events have taken place suggesting that 2015 will go down in history as extremely messy, extremely chaotic, and extremely important in the demise of the U.S. dollar. This article identifies each of the 10 events and their enormous implications and fallout.
Read More »Gold Rush Is On In China (to replace USD with a gold-backed Renminbi?) (+5K Views)
China consumed, mined and imported the most gold ever in 2013. Does this mean that the PBOC in Beijing plans to eventually back its currency, the Renminbi, with gold with a view to replacing the U.S. dollar as the world’s reserve currency? Here are the details.
Read More »Dollar’s Days As Reserve Currency Could End As Early As 2015/16 – Here’s Why (+7K Views)
The American dollar will be as short a period as 5 to 10 years says one analyst while another believes it will happen as early as 2015, 2016 latest. Here's why.
Read More »The History of the Gold Standard & Why It Likely Will NOT Be Re-introduced (+2K Views)
As the protracted correction and consolidation in precious metals continues, what better time to brush up on the history of the gold standard to give proper context to gold’s demand today and potential role in a future currency to replace the dollar.
Read More »Gold Should Bounce Sharply Higher – Here Are 10 Reasons Why (+4K Views)
Is it time to throw in the towel? Is the bull market in precious metals really over? I don't think so because my analyses suggest that nearly all of the fundamental factors that have been driving the gold price higher in the past decade have only strengthened in the past two years. Now that the correction has most likely run its course, I expect gold to bounce sharply higher. Here are 10 reasons why.
Read More »Noonan: Will We See A New Gold-backed Currency? (+3K Views)
Before gold can rally, it has to first turn the trend from down to up. We see no evidence of a change in trend. The bearish spacing is repeated, again, as a reminder that it represents a weak market within its down trend. How anyone can posit a bullish scenario from what the charts show flies in the face of known facts, as depicted in the charts.
Read More »Physical Gold Cannot Possibly Lose Out Over Fiat & Digital Currencies – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Gold cannot possibly lose its central position as the pre-eminent money used by the world for thousands of years. The aggressive measures of the Anglo-American Axis with regard to gold are absurd and they will lead to total disaster both for the Axis, and for the world which has been forced to follow its lead for over forty years.
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