We have a financial system that's on the edge of a cliff here. People have to be in precious metals if they want to protect themselves. Everyone who's an investor has money. They have it invested in some paper instrument and when they realise they have a problem with their money in a bank or owning some government note the demand for gold could just be overwhelming! It could be parabolic all of a sudden. Currently, only o.75% of the world's financial assets are in gold so just imagine what a 5% to 10% interest in gold would mean for its price. On top of that, I believe that silver will get back into a 16:1 ratio to gold in three to five years for sure so that means that silver is going to have a great upside potential. Got gold? Better yet, got silver? Words: 5169
Read More »Jim Sinclair Sees Economic Train Wreck Coming – Slowly but Surely! (+3K Views)
James Turk, Director of The GoldMoney Foundation, interviewed Jim Sinclair recently at the GATA conference in London about his successful gold price predictions, the U.S. debt problems, how to ride the second phase of the gold bull and the gear change from arithmetic to exponential growth as public perceptions about the safety of the US dollar changes. Below is a heavily edited and paraphrased version of the interview to provide you with a fast and easy understanding of its contents. Words: 1318
Read More »Gross: Beware the Bond/Currency Vigalantes if Debt Ceiling Not Raised
The debt ceiling must be raised and not be held hostage by budget negotiations... [If Washington does not] bond and currency vigilantes will make them pay. [Let me count the ways.] Words: 603
Read More »Why U.S. Will Never Return to Gold Standard and What That Means for Gold Price (+2K Views)
The recent outperformance of precious metals, combined with budget problems in the United States and parts of Europe, has prompted some to speculate that gold or silver will become the next international reserve currency [but in my opinion that is highly unlikely. As such, investors would be highly encouraged to give pause [before] allocating a portion of their portfolios to precious metals. Let me explain further.] Words: 1094
Read More »The U.S. is Headed Towards Self-inflicted Disaster: Here’s Why (+2K Views)
In spite of the spending cuts secured in last week's last-minute budget deal... we are headed for a 50-square-mile iceberg and have just turned the wheel an inch - probably less... [After all,] the $38 billion in cuts represent less than the $54 billion in new debt the U.S. racked up in just the previous week, less than 3% of this year's projected deficit and less than 1% of what the government has projected to spend in 2011... [In fact, such inadequate action has done nothing more than] reinforce expectations that the U.S. is headed for self-inflicted disaster. [Let me explain.] Words: 1066
Read More »Gold Will Go To $5,000 and the Dow To Above 27,000 by 2015 (+6K Views)
Warning! The forecasts you're about to read are controversial, and many will say I have lost my mind. No problem. Many have said the same about me numerous times in the past but the forecasts I speak of today are based entirely upon my proprietary trading models that... have successfully guided me and the investors that have followed me through every twist and turn in the economy and markets... since I developed them in 1982. Words: 895
Read More »Why Oil is Headed To $300 – Yes, $300! (+2K Views)
The price of oil is headed "unimaginably higher" in the next few years - to somewhere north of $300 a barrel - because of two very simple forces. Words: 708
Read More »The U.S. Trade Imbalance – A ‘Deficit Without Tears’? (+2K Views)
There is a definite connection between fiat currencies and trade deficits. Critics of the Federal Reserve are right to blame it for distorting trade flows and setting the U.S. economy up for an inflationary crash. However, a trade deficit per se is not a sign of a bad economy. Indeed the trade deficit might blossom if the U.S. ever returned to the gold standard, though it would be due to a productive net inflow of producer goods. Words: 1667
Read More »Turk: Will Gold Cartel Succeed in Destroying Free Market System in America? (+2K Views)
As I see it there are only two outcomes. Either the gold cartel will fail or the U.S. government will have destroyed what remains of the free market in America. I hope it is the former, but the flow of events from Washington and the actions of policymakers suggest it could be the latter. Words: 1654
Read More »The U.S. Dollar: Too Big to Fail? (+11K Views)
Those in the U.S. power structure know what the plan is if the U.S. dollar should fail. They are not admitting publically that there is even the remotest chance that it could happen but, rest assured, there is a plan. There is always a plan. To paraphrase Franklin Roosevelt, nothing happens by chance in government, so don’t be caught up in such a ‘surprise’ event - whatever it may be and whenever it occurs. Words: 1345
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