Monday , 14 October 2024

Tag Archives: return-to-risk ratio

Gold Bullion, Stocks or Bonds: Which Have More Long-term Investment Risk?

In proclaiming buy-and-hold investing to be dead, the pseudo-experts masquerading as financial advisors have abandoned the fundamental principle of investing: buying undervalued assets - and then giving those assets the time necessary to mature. Instead, these charlatans have forced their clients to become short-term gamblers. Worse still, they are now consistently steering their clients toward the worst possible asset-classes, stocks and bonds, rather than the best ones [simply because they do not] understand the fundamental conceptual difference between risk and volatility. In a market populated by panicked lemmings, we cannot avoid volatility. However, we can and must reduce risk - which begins by building an allocation of history's true safe haven asset, precious metals. [Let me explain more about what risk and volatility are and are not.] Words: 1080

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