It is hard to know what to buy or sell let alone just when to prudently do so. Thank goodness there are indicators available that provide information of stock and index movement of a more immediate nature to help you make such important decisions. This article describes the 6 most popular Momentum Indicators. If ever there was a “cut and save” investment advisory this is it! Words: 1234
Read More »Use These Technical Analyses For A Performance Advantage (+3K Views)
Research has found that investors using technical analysis had some performance advantage over those who didn’t use these methods. The research also found that the performance advantage was more evident during down markets. If that has piqued your interest, read on to learn more about a few of the more popular types of technical analysis.
Read More »These Momentum Indicators Can Help You Decide Whether to Buy (or Sell) Any Asset
It's hard to know what to buy or sell let alone just when to prudently do so. Thank goodness there are indicators available that provide information of stock and index movement of a more immediate nature to help you make such important decisions. This article describes the 6 most popular Momentum Indicators.
Read More »We Have Entered the Final Topping Process Of This Extended & Stretched Market & Economic Cycle
...Volatility has now returned to the stock market after a hibernation of several years...[and such] an explosion of volatility is indicative of a change of trend. The recent signals transmitted by this market have been classic and have been telling us that we have entered the final topping process of this extended and stretched economic cycle.
Read More »Technically Speaking: What Exactly Is “RSI?” (+2K Views)
Exactly what is RSI and how is it calculated?
Read More »Time the Market Using Momentum Indicators (+3K Views)
Never again will you have to rely totally on the ‘advise’ of your broker. With what happened last year to most portfolios it is imperative to do ones own analysis and be in a position to become better informed. If ever there was a “cut and save” investment advisory this article is it. Words: 1082
Read More »Substantial Drop In S&P 500 Quite Possible Soon – Here’s Why
There are patterns in markets and we can learn from past patterns in the S&P 500 Index. My assessment of the Index at this point in time suggests it would be wise to consider the possibility of a substantial S&P 500 Index drop in coming months. Here's why.
Read More »Go With the Flow! Time the Market By Using These 6 Momentum Indicators (+2K Views)
Yes, you can time the market! Assessing the relative levels of greed and fear in the market at any given point in time is an effective way of doing so and this article outlines the 6 most popular momentum indicators and explains how, why and where they should be used.
Read More »Momentum Investing: Ride the Market Waves to Big Profits (+2K Views)
It is hard to know what to buy or sell let alone just when to prudently do so. Thank goodness there are indicators available that provide information of stock and index movement of a more immediate nature to help you make such important decisions. This article describes the 6 most popular Momentum Indicators. If ever there was a “cut and save” investment advisory this is it!
Read More »These 6 Indicators Reveal A Great Deal About Market’s “Upside” Potential (+2K Views)
Trying to predict markets more than a couple of days into the future is nothing more than a "wild ass guess" at best but, that being said, we can make some reasonable assumptions about potential outcomes based on our extensive analysis of these 6 specific price trend and momentum indicators.
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