Exactly what is inflation, and how do we measure it? It is very important to investors, savers, and people in general, that we understand.
Read More »Which Measure of Inflation Is Closest to the Truth? (+2K Views)
There is a strong belief that independent measures of inflation are false and not trustworthy. I address this issue and show how the rate of inflation is measured today, the historical background of it, and compare different methods to find out which one is closer to the truth.
Read More »Debunking the Validity of ShadowStats’ Inflation Numbers (+2K Views)
Shadowstats presents what they claim to be the original methodology used by the government to calculate the rate of inflation in the U.S. but Shadowstats' John Williams is not calculating inflation any differently. He is not using the 1980s or 1990s methodology... [Instead,] all he's is doing is taking the CPI data and adding on an arbitrary constant to make it look like inflation is higher!
Read More »America's Future: Growing Deficit, Shrinking Economy, Imploding Dollar and Exploding Inflation
The new [debt ceiling deal] legislation will add $2.4 trillion to the $14.3 trillion national debt in a little over a year - and we don’t even start saving money until after the debt reaches $16.7 trillion! This bill doesn’t even cut the deficit. It just slows the growth of government spending to around 8% a year! So, even if Congress cuts $2.1 trillion out of the budget over the next 10 years, we will still be running annual deficits of more than $1 trillion...[That means that in addition to a deficit that will continue to grow we can look forward to a shrinking economy, an imploding U.S. dollar and exploding inflation. Some future! Let me explain.] Words: 827
Read More »True Inflation-Adjusted Rate Means Gold Should Be At $5,467!
Contrary to popular belief, Gold Prices have in fact tracked the true inflation rate very closely... and there is a very real possibility that we will have a short-term spike – a genuine investment bubble – in gold that takes us into the $5,000/oz to $8,000/oz range. Words: 748
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