Silver is now rarer than gold and will be for all of eternity. From this point forth we work from current silver production alone and, from this point forth, demand will outstrip production without exception. Can you imagine what that means for the future price of this, indeed, precious metal? Forget about the popular expression: 'Got gold?' The much more important - and potentially more profitable - question to ask these days is, 'Got silver?
Read More »Start Stacking Silver and You’ll Be Rich In 5 Years! Here’s Why (+4K Views)
The supply of silver went down in 2015 due to lower scrap supply and I believe silver production from mines will not rise significantly in 2016 so supply will be subdued going forward. Demand however will keep going up. [IMO if you start] stacking silver you'll be rich in exactly 5 years.
Read More »Silver: What Makes It So Special? (+2K Views)
In today's infographic, which is Part 3 of the series, (see Part 1 HERE which showed silver's rich history) & Part 2 HERE which illustrated the supply and geological fundamentals) we cover the demand and uses for the world's most versatile metal. Learn how much silver is used for industrial purposes, investment, jewelry, and what trends could shape the future.
Read More »It Is Time To Embrace the New Refrain "Got Silver?" (+3K Views)
Few investment opportunities arise in our lifetime like silver. The stage is set for a percentage gain of extraordinary magnitude! Forget the popular refrain of “Got Gold?” and make some additions to your portfolio to take advantage of the coming silver supernova!
Read More »Silver: The Price Could Easily Double or Triple – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Silver is selling at less than half its 2011 high. It is being ignored more than gold. It has explosive fundamentals. This article assesses silver’s potential by looking at the big-picture forces that could impact silver over the next several years - and point to a possible runaway price scenario.
Read More »4 Unique Characteristics Should Propel Silver Skyward (+3K Views)
With the likes of Ray Dalio and billionaire George Soros placing big bets on a recovery in precious metals now is likely the time for investors to take the plunge. The key question remains, however, which precious metal? My preference is silver. Here's why.
Read More »Move Up In Silver To Be Sharper, Greater & Faster Than Gold – Here’s Why (+3K Views)
Analysts and investors seem to be very bearish towards silver, but we think that the fundamentals of silver are now becoming extremely attractive in terms of contrarian opportunities. Volatility and risk are not always commensurate, and we believe that silver offers investors fundamentals that can be much stronger than expected and returns that would be magnified by the small size of the silver market (and the bearish positioning by participants). Contrarian investors would be wise to take note.
Read More »Silver Is Signaling Potential For Large Upside Move This Year – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
While not widely reported or analyzed, over the past several months there has been an enormous amount of buying in the various markets for physical silver - both one-ounce sovereign-minted coins and refined bars. Along with some standard trading signals I'll discuss below, I believe the activity in the market for physical silver is signaling the potential for a large upside move sometime this year. Let me explain.
Read More »Noonan: Here’s Why Silver Is So Low & What To Do About It (+3K Views)
The demand for silver has grown exponentially in the past few years (record sales for American Eagle coins, record buying in India), but supply, on the other hand, keeps diminishing...Whenever there is a situation where demand rises sharply, while supply commensurately declines, it is a recipe for higher prices, and usually, much higher prices. This is true, unless one is talking about the silver market...[which] is at its lowest levels in the past three years. With talk of silver going anywhere from $150 to $500 higher, it currently struggles to hold $20. Why is this so?
Read More »These 8 Signs Suggest Silver Has Bottomed & Will Head Higher Soon (2K Views)
The waterfall decline...[in silver prices] has resulted in many silver investors throwing in the towel and exiting their positions. However, this is herd mentality and every successful investor knows it is almost always a failing strategy. With sentiment near all-time lows and blood still running in the streets, I am doing the exact opposite and wading into the waters once again. [Below are 8 reasons why I think that silver has bottomed.] Words: 1570
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