I believe our fiscal situation is much worse than most people realize. True, the situation might be resolvable with a hard-nosed turnaround specialist in charge [Romney?] but, even here, the emphasis is on “might”! In a political context, where citizens have been conditioned to believe they are entitled to live at the expense of government (i.e other citizens because, after all, government has nothing that it first does not take from someone else), the situation is beyond hopeless. Let me address the true economic situation of the U.S. by way of an email I received from a regular reader recently. Words: 615
Read More »Groundwork Has Been Laid for Hyperinflation, Soaring Interest Rates and Exploding Gold and Silver Prices (+2K Views)
Increases in spending and liabilities along with decreases in foreign lending equals a recipe for disaster. So, where will the money come from? This is a job for the printing press. While we are certainly facing deflation in the near term and a very choppy market, the groundwork has been laid for hyperinflation, soaring interest rates and exploding gold and silver prices. Words: 945
Read More »U.S. Between a Rock and a Hard Place and Its Options Are – At Best – Dire! (+3K Views)
It would appear that the U.S. is in an untenable position - between a rock and a hard place - in an inescapable debt trap - where the options are, at best, dire - hyperinflation or a deflationary depression! It would seem that all we can do is ride out the storm in a boat laden with gold. Words: 2283
Read More »Americans: Pull Your Heads Out of the Sand Before It's Too Late!
A demographic stampede is about to pulverize American society. Eighty million retirees—the baby boom generation—are rapidly heading into their retirement years and, according to a recent survey, Americans have less money than ever. Being so unprepared can only mean a very unhappy "retirement" unless they pull their heads out of the sand and do something about it before it is too late. Words: 807
Read More »It’s Not a Question of IF, but WHEN, Inflation Will Arrive (+2K Views)
America's massive debt and unfunded liabilities make inflation the only viable option for today’s policymakers because when the value of future dollars is diminished, future obligations in those depreciated dollars are diminished. Words: 2808
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