In basic terms, in the bigger picture, the United States is going broke. We’re heading for a sovereign debt crisis. I don’t say that for effect. I’m not looking to scare people or to make a splash. That’s just an honest assessment based on the numbers.
Read More »Finally! Someone With the Balls to Face Reality and Outline the Probable Outcome & Utter Hopelessness of America’s Debt Problems (+7K Views)
Many articles are being written these days that more or less scope the dire financial circumstances the U.S. is in. That being said, I had not been able to find one "analyst" - even one - who had the guts to outline the probable outcome and general hopelessness of the situation and to offer any meaningful prescription for investors to survive this coming catastrophe - until now. Words: 710
Read More »If You Are Not Preparing For a U.S. Debt Collapse, NOW Is the Time to Do So! Here’s Why (9K Views)
Timing the U.S. debt implosion in advance is virtually impossible. Thus far, we've managed to [avoid such an event], however, this will not always be the case. If the U.S. does not deal with its debt problems now, we're guaranteed to go the way of the PIIGS, along with an episode of hyperinflation. That is THE issue for the U.S., as this situation would affect every man woman and child living in this country. [Let me explain further.] Words: 495
Read More »Martin Armstrong Believes A Sovereign Debt “Big Bang” Is Underway – Here’s Why (+4K Views)
Martin Armstrong sees a peak in bond prices by October 1st, 2015 and a low in interest rates from that point forward - a "Sovereign Debt Big Bang" - and, as the defaults begin to materialize over the following 2 years, a run-up in stocks for safety with interest rates rising along with share prices. Below are excerpts from Armstrong's blog complete with notable charts of his Economic Confidence Model.
Read More »Consequences Of Argentina’s Debt Default Will Be Grim (+2K Views)
Recession, currency devaluation, hyperinflation and social unrest are all distinct possibilities if Argentina does not reach a settlement with the holdouts in the near future. Below are more insights into Argentina's latest debt default.
Read More »Take Note: Don’t Say You Weren’t Forewarned! (+3K Views)
It is relatively easy to predict further commodity price inflation as a result of the massive money printing going on worldwide and that hard assets, not paper assets, will help protect purchasing power but it is much more difficult to project where else this money printing leads and to what extent a crash is inevitable. What is the endgame? Will it be another financial crash such as in 2008 or will it be a more destructive financial and economic crash that causes a severe but temporary disruption in the delivery of goods and services? Words: 1470
Read More »von Greyerz: 4 World Crises – Sovereign, Banking, Economic and Social – Guarantee a Hyperinflationary Depression (+4K Views)
We are in a number of crises: the sovereign crisis, a banking crisis, an economic crisis and a social crisis. The first three crises together are guaranteed to bring down the world economy because they are not just in one country, they are worldwide....A social crisis will develop leading to even more social unrest. All of these factors are why this will ultimately lead to a hyperinflationary depression - the most serious depression the world has ever experienced - and why investors have to focus on protecting their wealth.
Read More »European Sovereign Debt Crisis to End in a Catastrophic, Painful, Epic Meltdown! Are You Financially Prepared? (+2K Views)
I have a sinking suspicion - a feeling I just can’t shake - based on multiple fundamental, technical, and timing indicators....[that] the end is near. I’m not talking about some Mayan calendar apocalypse kind of thing....[but] a catastrophic, painful, epic meltdown-type endgame for this European sovereign debt crisis...[[Let me explain why I see that to be the eventual outcome.] Words: 810
Read More »Martin Armstrong: Flight-to-Quality is NOT Over – Yet! Gold is NOT Ready for Prime Time – Yet! Here’s Why (+2K Views)
Martin Armstrong provides a remarkable explanation of what is going on right now with the U.S. dollar, bond yields and the current price of gold. It would be well worth your time to read and reflect on what he has to say. Words: 822
Read More »Martin Armstrong Explains Why the USD is Strong and Gold Weak in This Economic Environment (+4K Views)
Understanding what we are facing right now is critical to our survival.... [and to do so] we must embrace a global correlation approach to comprehend the true global implication of how capital moves. [Martin Armstrong provides a remarkable explanation of what is going on right now with the U.S. dollar, bond yields and the current price of gold. It would be well worth your time to read and reflect on what he has to say.] Words: 822
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