There are 862 individual SWIFT codes of Russian origin, belonging to somewhere around 300 financial institutions out of a total in the bank network of 11,000 and removing them from the network would prevent those banks from using the network to facilitate transfers.
Read More »Economic Showdown: The Power of SWIFT; The Fear of CIPS
Full implementation may take a few years but, as CIPS gains strength, its use will spread outward...[and] the more it spreads, the greater the Chinese influence over such entities as the IMF.
Read More »Introduction Of Chinese SWIFT System Would Cause Swift Decline of USD As World’s Reserve Currency – Here’s Why (+2K Views)
The U.S. holds great power over international monetary transactions via the SWIFT network system given the USD's world reserve currency status...It is entirely possible, however, that China and its closest partners might someday implement their own SWIFT system...The world's players could then choose between the two and, given the resentment that exists worldwide toward the U.S. for the bullying of FATCA, many would likely align with China in their SWIFT system. In doing so it would eliminate their need to comply with FATCA and other draconian U.S. demands [which might well bring about a swift] end to the U.S. dollar as the world's default currency.
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