If you own physical gold or silver as your failsafe store of wealth it is prudent to “look under the cover” so that you know, not assume, that it is indeed genuine gold or silver. [Up until now there has not been an easy and inexpensive way to detect counterfeits but a revolutionary new personal precious metal verifier has come on the market that can do just that.]
Read More »These Minerals Are Critical to U.S. Economic & National Security (+2K Views)
What do cobalt, uranium, helium, titanium, and fluorspar have in common? According to the U.S. government, these are all minerals that are deemed critical to both the economic and national security of the country. The list of 35 minerals (listed below) includes those that are important for defense, economic, and industrial purposes – and it keys in especially on minerals that are not produced in substantial quantities domestically.
Read More »Picture Perfect Infographics on Gold, Silver & Other Commodities (+3K Views)
With everyone being so very busy these days often a picture is worth a 1000 words so I have collected a series of infographics below for you which do just that. You'll get the picture in half the time you could assimilate it via the written word.
Read More »Tungsten Supply Risk Could Have Negative Impact on Cost of Living – Here's Why
Tungsten is unique in its extremes. It’s extremely hard, heat resistant, dense, and environmentally benign. It’s used to make cemented carbide, one of the strongest and most durable compounds. That's the positives. but, unfortunately there are negatives too. Take a look at the infographic below for more information.
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