The world is in an absolute mess, economically, financially, politically and morally... and this has been evident for at least 10-15 years. The only thing that is not clear is how long governments and central banks can deceive the people by kicking the can down the road in an endless creation of worthless pieces of paper that they call money...The world is now staring into the abyss and we are most likely entering the Dark Years which I wrote about two years ago. The consequences will almost certainly be unlimited money printing and a hyperinflationary depression [which will result in dramatic increases in the price of gold. Let me explain.] Words: 2004 2064
Read More »Why It’s Exit Time – For Your Gold, Your Wealth and Your Family
The United States and most of Europe...risk an eruption and collapse of the mountain of unsustainable sovereign debt built up over the last two decades. Frankly, the U.S. dollar and national debt situation is so dire - and our means to contain a sovereign debt crisis so limited by multiple wars and Washington's debt and political incompetence at home - that anything could happen, almost overnight. [The best] America and most European governments and the central banking elites, which created the criminal sovereign debt fiasco, [appear able to do is] try to buy more time and delay the inevitable. This inaction means the threat of an immediate US debt and dollar collapse cannot be ruled out. Therefore, readers who have not protected themselves certainly have cause to worry because now could be too late. [Let me explain further.] Words: 1689
Read More »Batten Down the Hatches: A Hurricane of Debt, Deficit and Demographics is Coming!
A hurricane of debt, deficit, and demographics is heading to the shores of all developed economies. With it will come high inflation rates, high costs for credit, low growth rates, and weakening developed country currency value. Ben Bernanke in a helicopter will not stop the hurricane’s devastating path. More stimulus packages will not stop it. Blaming the Chinese for lending us too much money will not stop it. Pretending that the storm isn’t coming will most assuredly not stop it. It threatens to derail the lukewarm economic recovery and to alter forever the heretofore path of robust growth for the developed world. In a sense, debt, deficit, and demographics will reset the world to a “New Normal”. Words: 3341
Read More »The U.S. is Headed Towards Self-inflicted Disaster: Here’s Why (+2K Views)
In spite of the spending cuts secured in last week's last-minute budget deal... we are headed for a 50-square-mile iceberg and have just turned the wheel an inch - probably less... [After all,] the $38 billion in cuts represent less than the $54 billion in new debt the U.S. racked up in just the previous week, less than 3% of this year's projected deficit and less than 1% of what the government has projected to spend in 2011... [In fact, such inadequate action has done nothing more than] reinforce expectations that the U.S. is headed for self-inflicted disaster. [Let me explain.] Words: 1066
Read More »Why I Think the U.S Is Smoking Crack – & China Is Smoking Opium!
Despite the best efforts by the American mainstream financial media, the eager PR division of the United States Dollar Ponzi Scheme, to paint the rosiest of rosy pictures for blindly optimistic readers, the stubborn image of a debt-swollen jobless behemoth economy slowly toppling persists. No matter how much U.S. departmental data is primped, polished, and primed, no amount of lipstick is going to transform this fat pig into a princess! [Let me explain.] Words: 1227
Read More »The Weiss Team's 8 Bold Forecasts for 2010 and Beyond
Martin Weiss' team of international experts - Mike Larson in North America, Claus Vogt in Europe, Tony Sagami on Asia, Rudy Martin on South America - and Ron Rowland, one of the nation's foremost experts on international exchange-traded funds (ETFs) met recently to discuss and determine what they think is coming next. They came up with eight new forecasts for 2010 — some very negative, some very positive - and put forth specific, actionable recommendations based on their conclusions. Words: 1969
Read More »Consequences of Country's Debt Complacency Could be Catastrophic
Our leaders will eventually face an Armageddon unlike any since the Civil War unless they must either muster the courage — and the support of the people — to accept the pain and make the sacrifices of a lifetime … or face the downfall of America. Words: 1086
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