Tuesday , 21 January 2025

Tag Archives: unemploment rate

America's Future: Growing Deficit, Shrinking Economy, Imploding Dollar and Exploding Inflation

The new [debt ceiling deal] legislation will add $2.4 trillion to the $14.3 trillion national debt in a little over a year - and we don’t even start saving money until after the debt reaches $16.7 trillion! This bill doesn’t even cut the deficit. It just slows the growth of government spending to around 8% a year! So, even if Congress cuts $2.1 trillion out of the budget over the next 10 years, we will still be running annual deficits of more than $1 trillion...[That means that in addition to a deficit that will continue to grow we can look forward to a shrinking economy, an imploding U.S. dollar and exploding inflation. Some future! Let me explain.] Words: 827

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