Thursday , 6 February 2025

Tag Archives: unfunded liabilities

What the Rising Dollar Price of Gold Really Means

A soaring gold price is a vote of "no confidence" in the central bank and the dollar [and]... reflect a growing restlessness with the increasing money supply, our budgetary and trade deficits, our unfunded liabilities, and the inability of Congress and the administration to reign in runaway spending. Words: 1911

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Coming Retirement Crisis Will Shake America To The Core (+4K Views)

The pension nightmare that is at the heart of the horrific financial crisis in Detroit is just the tip of the iceberg of the coming retirement crisis that will shake America to the core. As a society, we have made trillions of dollars of financial promises to the Baby Boomers, and there is no way that we are going to be able to keep those promises. The money simply is not there.

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U.S. "Deficit Disorder" Means Broken Promises + Even More QE! Here’s Why (+2K Views)

One of the problems with the debate over the “national debt” is that there’s no generally agreed upon definition of that term. Is it what the federal government owes, or what it owes foreigners, or what the whole country, private and public sector together, owes? Does it include off-balance-sheet items and contingent liabilities? There’s a hundred-trillion dollar gap between lowest and highest on this spectrum, which allows each commentator to confuse the rest of us by picking the measure that best suits their point of view. [Let's try to decipher the true state of the nation.] Words: 1468

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You’re Being Deceived by the Media and Your Government: Here’s How to Become Better Informed! (+3K Views)

While most Western countries have serious debt problems none of them has a fiscal crisis as bad as that of the United States. In spite of that, however, the U.S. corporate-controlled media has been obsessively shining the spotlight on the so-called “PIIGS” of Europe rather than on the staggering financial crises facing America. If that weren't bad enough, it has become impossible to trust the few economic statistics that are "fed" us. Frankly, there is a conspiracy of silence about the truth but there are ways to become better informed. Words: 868

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The Demise of OUR Country is on Borrowed Time – Unless YOU Help Save It! Here's How

The demise of America is on borrowed time - and the end game could be dire - unless YOU do something about it. Congress is a tool of special interests - not OURS! As such, WE, as citizens, must become proactive if we are to protect OUR financial future by solving the Washington debt and tyranny problems and preventing foreign nations and/or creditors from forcing OUR country into bankruptcy and collapse! [What can YOU do to help? Read on!] Words: 2971

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