Gold has the appearance of undergoing a correction from the early July swing high, and that makes it somewhat featureless, for lack of a better description. There are times one needs to simply be idle until greater clarity emerges. This seems to be one of those times,
Read More »Noonan: “Gold Appears Poised To Continue Its Rally” (+2K Views)
The price of each metal is not going up. The measure of the number of fiats needed to buy the metals will grow ever more as each country’s fiat issuance becomes increasingly debased. That is when the power of holding gold and silver will be felt the most.
Read More »Noonan: Like It Or Not, Here’s What the Gold & Silver Charts Are Saying (+2K Views)
The following comments may not be what one wants to hear, but charts tell what the reality is behind any market, and we are just the messenger delivering the chart-driven message so let's take a look at the most recent charts for gold and silver are conveying.
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