Saturday , 14 September 2024

The ‘American Superiority’ Myth

We’ve all heard countless times from mainstream economists, policymakers, and their ilk that America is somehow immune from consequences. They always pin their argument on the dollar standard.  ‘Our’ central bank issues the reserve currency of the globe and that alone immunizes us from any repercussions. The 25% unemployment of Spain and Greece? The 50% unemployment among the young people in Spain? Forget about it! Never going to happen here because our paper is better than everyone else’s. Right? Sounds good, but only if you take them at their word and ignore the realities that lie just under the surface. [Let’s take a closer look at those realities.] Words: 2220

So says Andy Sutton ( in edited excerpts from his original article* entitled My Two Cents – “Double Trouble and the Reckoning” .

 Lorimer Wilson, editor of (Your Key to Making Money!), may have edited the article below to some degree for length and clarity – see Editor’s Note at the bottom of the page for details. This paragraph must be included in any article re-posting to avoid copyright infringement.

Sutton goes on to say, in part:

While it may be true that the reserve status can buy us some extra time, it is by no means a guarantee against hardship. In fact, it is quite the opposite in that it guarantees that our beating will be worse than everyone else’s because we’ll be the last to fall. Greece’s problems started when debt/GDP crossed the 103% area. The rest of the PIIGS and all of Europe for that matter ran into problems in that same area, +/- a few points here and there.

What would you say if I were to tell you that:

  • America’s per capita share of the national debt currently outstanding was 35% higher than that of Greece’s per capita share? You might do a double take.
  • America’s per capita share of the fiscal gap (net present value of future unfunded liabilities) was more than 18 times that of Greece?

These little useful tidbits of information are precisely the kind of thing the syndicate that runs the global financial system would prefer you remain ignorant about because you might start to wonder how exactly are we to sustain our current path. The answer is – we’re not. However, the syndicate would prefer that you continue to load up on iPhones, big screen televisions, and all the modern day trappings of a neo-Roman society….

Per Capita Debt

Now I’m not going to put my reputation on the line and give a timeline for this great unraveling and period of reckoning. [Read:  If You Are Not Preparing For a US Debt Collapse, NOW Is the Time to Do So! Here’s Why and The “Great Crisis” Is Well On Its Way and Will Make 2008 Look Like a Joke!] There are too many quality analysts who have already discredited themselves in the eyes of the general public as the boy who cried wolf by putting absolute dates on these events. That is a shame because the rest of their message is, for the most part, spot on. All I’m willing to say is that this might very well go on a while longer than most people would think. It could also end next week. Look at Europe. It was going. Then it stopped.

While it is true that the USFed is backed into a corner, there are still some tricks they can pull. The same goes for the USGovt. Accounting is a lovely business, especially when you can change the rules to suit your whims.

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The Consumer’s Millstone

Another problem facing America that is perhaps unique in the world is the level of personal indebtedness. I know I sound like a broken record, but I’ll say it again. When you borrow money, you are essentially voting for your own economic enslavement – in more ways than one.

  1. Your borrowing allows the banking system to create inflation, which lowers the purchasing power of your currency so you end up having to borrow even more because your current borrowings don’t buy as much – and it quickly becomes a cycle.
  2. The job market is downright pitiful. The ‘good’ jobs keep disappearing. For example, Lockheed Martin laid of 3,000 workers this week and the jobs the economy is ‘creating’ are junk, paying below-subsistence wages. It is pretty sad when you can have a job and still qualify for all types of government assistance because the job doesn’t pay a living wage. This is another consequence of the USFed’s inflationary Keynesian rattletrap policies. Wages haven’t kept up with prices. Borrowing has filled the gap. Enter a good dose of materialism and voila – instant serfdom to the banking system. In this type of environment, who in their right mind would want to further encumber themselves with debt?

Consumer Credit Outstanding - Sept 2012

Nevertheless, the latest report from the USFed shows that consumer credit outstanding hit a record high. Yes, an ALL-TIME RECORD HIGH.  [Read: 75% of Americans are in Deep _ _ _t!] Ironically, the culprits were automobile and student loans. I’ve already written previously about the student loan crisis that is brewing. Aside from the bubble in USGovt debt, the student loans mess qualifies as the #2 bubble as far as I’m concerned. Of course the ignorant media spun this utterly awful report as a good thing, following in their good Keynesian bias that debt to spend is good and doesn’t matter. Debt equals prosperity in fact. Very 1984ish. More on this later.

What the Reckoning Will Look Like

Austerity will be coming to America. Of course it will not be called austerity [Read:What is Financial Repression? Why It Will Fail], because that is now another of the ‘bad words’ for which there is no place in American journalism outside describing Europe woes. We seem to be settling on the idea of using ‘fiscal cliff’ to describe our own set of woes.

Austerity will not be any prettier in America than it has been in Greece because we’re of the same mindset by and large [Read: The U.S. and Greece are Frighteningly Similar! Here’s Why]. The freeloaders in this country are not going to take well to the idea that they can no longer eat off the sweat of someone else’s brow. They’re no different than the freeloaders in Greece and the rest of Europe who are now rioting in the streets along with pretty much everyone else.

America has already defaulted on its debt and the rest of the world for the past several years has been playing along, leading people to the idiotic notion that the Chinese don’t realize that they’re being paid back in dollars of steadily decreasing value. Does anyone actually believe this nonsense? The Chinese (and the rest of the world) might be a lot of things, but ignorant isn’t one of them, especially their policymakers. This default is one of the main reasons that China, Russia, [Read: Watch Out! Russia & China Stripping USD of Its Dominant Role in World Trade] and the OPECs [Read: 2012: The Beginning of the END for the U.S. “Petrodollar”!] have been cutting deals quietly to exclude the USDollar from their trade. We’re not talking about two-bit countries here. China and Russia have massive economies and massive economic power. They are making some very poor choices by the way, but they are still miles ahead of America. They are cutting us out.

Everyone on earth has been quietly and slowly stepping away from USDebt, [Read: U.S. Continues to Lead the World — In Debt!] particularly that of a longer-term nature. The USFed and other central banks have been sopping up that debt to keep the game going. The syndicate then dispatches its minions to monkey with the precious metals markets to keep the illusion that the dollar is still worth something. They bash gold in their banker-owned television networks, and then load up behind the scenes. Has anyone noticed that the Cash4Gold places won’t sell you gold? They only buy. They’re more than happy to give you paper for the family jewels.

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However, there will soon come a major paradigm shift. Central banks will stop printing fiat money to buy bonds. They will continue printing like crazy, but instead of buying debt, they’ll be buying gold. The big (and smart) money is moving towards metals. Soros [read:  Soros Selling Stocks and Stacking Gold! Should We Be Buying More Gold Too?], Paulson [Read: John Paulson Now Has 44% of His Hedge Fund’s Assets in Gold Stocks/ETFs! How Much Do You Have?], Putin in Russia, and China have all been buying gold. Soros doubled his holdings in one day, albeit it through the gold ETF. Think he doesn’t have physical gold? Think again. The syndicate knows gold is money and is preparing for a massive power shift. He that has the gold makes the rules.

The end of the USBond bubble [Read: These 5 Trends Suggest It Is Time to Short Bonds NOW!] will spell a certain end to the entitlement structure and America’s welfare society. Much in the way the Greeks and Spaniards have been suffering so shall Americans who have not properly prepared.

By prepared. [By that] I mean:

Other austerity measures [Read: Forget About the Fiscal Cliff! Increased Taxes & Austerity Measures Are Coming to the U.S. Regardless! Here’s Why] in the U.S. will consist of:

  • steady increases in the retirement age to ‘save’ Social Security,
  • increases in premiums and
  • cuts in benefits to keep Medicare from blowing up.

Be prepared to pay a lot more from healthcare [Read:  Obamacare is Coming: Here Are Some of the NEW Taxes You’ll Be Paying for It ], despite the massive reform that is forthcoming. That reform doesn’t even come close to dealing with the real problems, but instead mandates that approximately 35 million Americans who don’t have health insurance buy it from the insurance industry. Rather convenient, but should be no surprise considering the insurance industry crafted the reform bill.

Much of this austerity will fall under the labeling of ‘shared sacrifice’ and those who are against the theft of their Social Security contributions for example, will be deemed to be ‘unpatriotic’.  That is already happening and, regardless of your worldview, the facts are out there.

The K-winter, Generational Theory, and Death of Keynesianism

There are clear cycles in society and they come under a vast array of names. The Kondratieff winter [Read: Current Long Wave Kondratieff Winter Snow Storm to End in an Economic Avalanche – Here’s Why] and the Strauss-Howe Generational Theory are two of the more popular monikers given to the period in the progression of societies where decadence leads to complacency, which ultimately results in bondage. We’re clearly either at the very end of the decadence/complacency stage or the beginning of the bondage stage, depending on how cynical you happen to be.

What cannot be denied is that the world is going through a massive paradigm shift. The following are all slated for termination:

The great experiment that began with “A Treatise on Money” in 1931 that encouraged people to spend rather than save (among other things) is beginning its disastrous end as central banks and governments around the world engage in unlimited monetary stimulus as a means by which to ‘fight’ economic malaise. The patented answer and justification for additional stimulus was, is, and will continue to be ‘well, the last one just wasn’t big enough’. We’ve seen that with the USFed’s failed policies over the past half dozen years. When the mere lowering of interest rates failed to achieve the desired ends, interest rates were lowered to zero. When that didn’t work, they pledged to maintain ZIRP until 2015. That hasn’t worked and we’ve seen two QE failures and a TWIST program that has done absolutely nothing. So now we’re into QEunlimited. [Read: QEunlimited is NOT Going to Save the U.S. Economy – Period!]

The mainstream parrots the party line that unlimited QE is the way to prosperity. I reject that hypothesis out of hand because every last one of them already knows what the end result will be. The banksters will end up owning the title to your house, your car, and will enrich themselves infinitely with the spoils of your labor.

It is quite obvious that the Keynesian experiment results in prosperity, but it is not that of the people as was asserted back in the 1930’s, but rather it is that of the financial oligarchy. At the end of this cycle, Keynesianism will meet its well-deserved demise, but the American standard of living that has been enjoyed since the Depression will die along with it. In truth, that living standard has been compromised for quite some time now with its maintenance becoming more and more dependent on the accumulation of debt, but even that will no longer be enough.


Our society has reached a point where we are so far disconnected from our last great lessons in economics and hardship that we are now doomed to experience the next round. All the ingredients are in the mixing bowl and the blender has been slowly picking up speed for the last half dozen years.

My parting question to you is which side are you on?

  • Are you on the side that is willing to face these problems head on and impose some austerity on yourself so as not to be caught off guard or
  • Are you on the side that wishes to remain blissfully ignorant?

If you’re in the former group, you are to be commended. If, however, you find yourself in the latter group….

Until Next Time, Andy

* (Andrew W. Sutton, MBA received international honors in the field of Economics in graduate school and is the Chief Market Strategist for Sutton & Associates, LLC, a Registered Investment Adviser in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For more information about the company, its products and services, or contact information, please visit our website. Please feel free to distribute, copy or otherwise disseminate this information.)

Editor’s Note: The above post may have been edited ([ ]), abridged (…), and reformatted (including the title, some sub-titles and bold/italics emphases) for the sake of clarity and brevity to ensure a fast and easy read. The article’s views and conclusions are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original article.

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8.  The U.S. and Greece are Frighteningly Similar! Here’s Why

The inability [of Congress] to reduce spending and tax its citizenry represents a competitive disadvantage for the U.S.. It is the mark of a country that cannot keep its fiscal house in order, does not care about repaying its debts and, [as such, it] may well be heading for collapse. Words: 978

9. Soros Selling Stocks and Stacking Gold! Should We Be Buying More Gold Too?


When a major global player with direct ties to the White House, Wall Street, and the banking system starts off-loading stocks and starts stacking gold, it suggests a very serious market move is set to happen – and that is just what George Soros has done according to his latest 13-F report filing. [Should we buy more gold too?] Words: 484

10. John Paulson Now Has 44% of His Hedge Fund’s Assets in Gold Stocks/ETFs! How Much Do You Have?


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11. Watch Out! Russia & China Stripping USD of Its Dominant Role in World Trade


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12. 2012: The Beginning of the END for the U.S. “Petrodollar”!


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13. Your Portfolio Isn’t Adequately Diversified Without 7-15% in Precious Metals – Here’s Why


The traditional view of portfolio management is that three asset classes, stocks, bonds and cash, are sufficient to achieve diversification. This view is, quite simply, wrong because over the past 10 years gold, silver and platinum have singularly outperformed virtually all major widely accepted investment indexes. Precious metals should be considered an independent asset class and an allocation to precious metals, as the most uncorrelated asset group, is essential for proper portfolio diversification. [Let me explain.] Words: 2137

14. Don’t Laugh – Invest At Least 65% of Your Portfolio In Precious Metals!


There is such a “fear of gold” amongst most people that it must be due to statist indoctrination and propaganda because it makes no rational sense to have such a fear of such a time tested and true store of wealth. After all, we are talking about time tested and true money – the only money that has lasted for thousands of years and is still fully accepted worldwide as a store of wealth….What would you rather hold “for eternity” gold [or] US dollars [which are nothing more than] a paper debt obligation of a bankrupt nation state? Words: 450

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17. 75% of Americans are in Deep _ _ _t!


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18. Obama Administration Applying Keynesian Economics to ‘Ensure’ America’s Future Prosperity

In order to prevent a recession from getting out of hand, the central bank must lift the money supply and aggressively lower interest rates. Once consumers have more money in their pockets, their confidence will increase, and they will start spending again, thereby reestablishing the circular flow of money, so it is held. Words: 542

19. U.S. Continues to Lead the World — In Debt!


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20. If You Are Not Preparing For a US Debt Collapse, NOW Is the Time to Do So! Here’s Why


Timing the U.S. debt implosion in advance is virtually impossible. Thus far, we’ve managed to [avoid such an event], however, this will not always be the case. If the U.S. does not deal with its debt problems now, we’re guaranteed to go the way of the PIIGS, along with an episode of hyperinflation. That is THE issue for the U.S., as this situation would affect every man woman and child living in this country. [Let me explain further.] Words: 495

21. The “Great Crisis” Is Well On Its Way and Will Make 2008 Look Like a Joke!


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22. Obamacare is Coming: Here Are Some of the NEW Taxes You’ll Be Paying for It


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