Monday , 20 January 2025

Dump Dollars and Buy Gold – Here’s Why

If you are holding U.S. dollars in a savings account, CD or money-market fund, you are slowly losing what you have saved or inherited and within a few short years you could lose the bulk of what is remaining. It is being done in such a way that most people don’t notice. The hidden tax of inflation has been robbing you for quite some time and the pace and severity of this theft is increasing rapidly. If I sound alarmist, it is with intention.

In further edited excerpts from his original article Jason Hamlin goes on to say:

Our money used to be backed by gold. It stated this right on the top of the bill and you could go to the bank and trade in dollars for gold or silver at anytime. This is what gave dollars value but when greedy politicians wanted to spend more than they had, usually to finance wars, they took the dollar off the gold standard. This allowed the government to print as much as they wanted without needing to worry about having enough gold to back it up. As a consequence, the printing press has been running at full speed and our dollars are now backed by nothing but the faith in the U.S. government.

The concept of using paper as money is relatively new in history, whereas gold and silver have been used as money for as long as humans began trading. Gold has and will always retain its value because it is scarce, divisible, indestructible, hard to extract from the ground, attractive to the eye, extremely industrious and in limited supply. Fiat currencies have come and gone and this brief period of being able to just print money out of thin air whenever the government needs it is coming to an end.

The U.S. has been able to get away with it for so long because we won World War II and set up the dollar as the world’s reserve currency. Since then, everyone has used it to trade goods and settle international transactions, including oil trade.

Our politicians have abused this power and the rest of the world is now looking to dump dollars and trade in for something more stable. Indeed, China or Japan could crash the dollar by dumping their reserves and, while they are indeed dumping their dollars, they are doing it slowly so as to not create a sharp crash that leaves them holding the bag. However, as more and more people get rid of dollars and refuse to continue buying U.S. debt (for fear that the government won’t be able to pay it back), the dollar dumping is likely to accelerate and lead to a severe decline in the currency.

Some Suggestions on What To Do

The absolute best hedge against inflation is gold and silver, which have an inverse relationship to the dollar. As the dollar goes down, gold and silver go up. To protect against a decline in the dollar:

1. limit your exposure to U.S. dollars and dollar-denominated paper assets (stocks/bonds/etc.)

2. own tangible things that have true intrinsic value, not paper promises that can turn out to be worthless, as they have many times throughout history.

Gold investing is about protecting yourself and stopping the confiscation of your wealth. Consider using precious metals as an “insurance policy” to protect your assets from what looks to be an inevitable dollar decline.

Things I Believe Every Investor Should Do

Step 1: Get educated.
Don’t take my, or anyone else’s, word on this. Read books and newsletters on the subject and decide for yourself.

Step 2: Buy physical gold and silver and take possession of it
You can buy from your local coin shop or purchase from a number of online dealers that will store the gold for you. I highly recommend storing it outside of the U.S. banking system and outside of banks entirely if you can.

Step 3: Avoid “Fools Gold”
ETFs, pool accounts, futures contracts and leveraged accounts are not real gold. They are just paper promises often with no gold or silver behind them. Also avoid collector coins such as those sold in late-night infomercials. They have ridiculous premiums that are often several times above the metal content value in the coin.

Step 4: Invest in gold and silver mining companies.
The absolute best hedge against inflation is by investing in the companies that mine gold and silver. You get leverage of 2 to 4 times times the price appreciation of gold or silver. If gold goes up by 50%, your miners may very well double or triple in value.


One comment

  1. You can quantitatively value gold as an inflation hedge using actuarial methods such as insurance companies use to value premiums according to assessed risks. You can use the following online calculator to come up with a fair value of gold based on your own inflation expectations:

    Likewise with silver: