Tuesday , 21 January 2025

Why – and How Much – Should One Invest In Gold & Silver?

No one can predict exactly what will rise up after the collapse of the current monetary system, but here is my take on how you can do your best to prepare yourself no matter what happens.

The above edited comments – and those below – come from an article by Simon Black entitled How much gold should you have in your portfolio? which can be read in its entirety here.

Why Gold?

Gold is not an investment but, rather, it’s a form of savings that can’t be conjured out of thin air by central bankers’ quantitative easing program or printed by a government’s printing press and it’s consistently shown to maintain its purchasing power over time. As such, gold is an anti-currency. It’s a kind of asset that you own because you don’t have confidence in the paper currency issued by governments and central bankers.

That said—I think that everybody should consider owning precious metals. Again, not as an investment or speculation, but as a form of savings that exists outside of the conventional system.

How much?

Have a gold position that you are comfortable with, that you can lock away and not even think about how the price is moving. Then you can go on to sleep well, knowing that you have some real savings that can stand the test of time.

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