Thursday , 6 February 2025

We Will Experience the Anguish of Severe Inflation In the Coming Years – Here’s Why (+2K Views)

The developed world is swimming in debt in a proverbial sea of sharks without a life raft anywhereAlert to be found. 

If we have learned nothing about ourselves since 2008 we should now, at bare minimum, know that there are really only two viable options or outcomes to the furtive policies of our central bankers and the governments of the developed world:

  1. global economic melancholy or
  2. very high inflation

and it is our contention that the policymakers have preselected door number 2 and that over the following years we will experience the anguish of severe inflation. Here’s why.

The above introductory comments are edited excerpts from an article* by Darren V. Long (  entitled A Sinking Boat Without A Life Raft In A Sea Of Sharks
– Can You Survive?.

Long goes on to say in further edited excerpts:

U.S. Government Debt

The basic premise for this argument is a simple one:

  • The U.S. government, “arguably” still the largest economy in the world, is staring at total obligations of US$115 trillion with a debt-to-GDP ratio which is off the charts, at last check over 101%.

American Public Debt

The American public is also swimming in debt. Total U.S. debt at the end of the first quarter of 2014, on March 31st totaled almost $59.4 trillion – up nearly $500 billion from the end of the fourth quarter of 2013, according to the data.

Total U.S. Debt

By comparison, total debt (the combination of government, business, mortgage, and consumer debt) was merely $2.2 trillion 40 years ago.

Under this scenario, it is arguable that the U.S. will try to reduce this debt through the usage of a sustained increase in the money supply, more commonly referred to as “monetary inflation”.

U.S. Monetary Base

If you have any reservation whatsoever, take a look at the chart below, which captures the incredible expansion in the U.S. monetary base.

As you can see [in the chart above], over the past six years, the monetary base in the U.S. has expanded from approximately US $848 billion, in January of 2008, to a bewildering US $4.1 trillion and, believe it or not (by the way I am certain this sideshow will be posted in a Ripley’s museum at some point in the future), until now, this surge in the monetary base has not produced a highly visible inflationary impact…yet that is.

Major Central Bank Balance Sheet Growth

It is also noteworthy that the U.S. is not alone in pursuing inflationary policies. All over the world developed nations are printing money and debasing their currencies. In this era of globalization no country wants a stout currency and as a result many of these very countries are betrothed in competitive currency devaluations as we speak. This massive money and debt creation will cause an inflationary explosion over the coming years at some point.

In fact, those who believe fallaciously that deflation is more likely should consider the chart below, which highlights the mind-boggling expansion in the balance sheets of various central banks.

As you can see, there are several nations participating in this economic calamity of sorts by printing copious amounts of money; many of which have been in the same race since 2008.

Inflation vs. Deflation

Despite this clarity many prominent commentators remain steadfast on calling for deflation. “After all,” they argue, “how can inflation be a problem when bond yields are so low?” Well, these deflationists seem to be missing the point because the US Treasury market is no longer an entirely free market and hasn’t been, along arguably with many other markets like silver and gold, since 2008 and perhaps much before that.

Excessive Money Printing = Inflation

The Federal Reserve’s intervention, in the form of good ole’ dirty and excessive money printing, is largely accountable for keeping bond yields artificially low while at the same time leaving the impression that the stock market and, for that matter many other markets, are witnessing substantiated rebounds.

However, over the past several years the Federal Reserve itself has purchased most of the net new issuance of Treasuries.  This is a desperate act which the central bank in the U.S. uses in order to keep interest rates low. However, it is buying these Treasuries by creating currency (paper money) out of thin air. This is inflationary (either now or long term) and those that do not accept this premise are, with all due respect, daft.

If our assessment is correct then, somewhere in the near future, the Federal Reserve will lose its battle and T-bond yields will soar. As more and more bond investors wake up to this impending inflationary hazard, they will start demanding a higher rate of return on their money. When that happens the dyke will burst and the Federal Reserve will become superfluous.

Gold & Silver

Inflation would certainly make U.S. debt more manageable but it would also water down the purchasing power of the U.S. dollar even more so then is happening already. Of course, this inflationary agenda is not a secret and this is why many creditor nations with huge reserves are beginning to diversify away from the U.S. dollar and into assets such as gold and silver; it should come as no surprise that the largest holder of U.S. debt is also now arguably about to become largest holder of physical gold in the history – unless, of course, you still believe that Fort Knox holds the gold they claim to have been keeping for decades.


In the past, when chapters of inflationary stories have been written, the ending has always been the same; a spiraling out of control for a period of time and a momentous growth in the value of hard assets [such as gold and silver].  This trend is expected to continue.  Furthermore, on a comparative basis, we expect precious metals and commodities to outperform all other asset classes.

Editor’s Note: The author’s views and conclusions in the above article are unaltered and no personal comments have been included to maintain the integrity of the original post. Furthermore, the views, conclusions and any recommendations offered in this article are not to be construed as an endorsement of such by the editor.

* (©2014 Guildhall Wealth Management Inc.)

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  2. Meanwhile, we will experience the severe anguish of those deep into the precious metals market who hope severe inflation will bail them out.